Про smolensk.ws :)

Тема в разделе "Главный форум", создана пользователем Anonymous, 11 сен 2003.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Book Reviews:
    .ws - это WebSite. Т.е. smolensk.ws нужно читать как Смоленский Веб Сайт.

    Кстати, знаете что такое "ws" на самом деле? :)

    western samoa :blink:

    .WS and Western Samoa

    The country of Western Samoa owns the .WS top-level domain. We are working in cooperation with the government of Western Samoa as the official registry of the .WS top-level domain. Our .WS domains work exactly like .com domains. WebSite.ws as well as all our offerings reside in the United States.

    Our .WS top-level domain is 100% globally accessible, and it can be viewed by anyone accessing the Internet from anywhere in the world. Additionally, everyone, regardless of location, has the ability to register/administer .WS domains.

    All top-level domains and the guidelines by which they function were created 20-25 years ago. Every country was granted one top-level domain with the exception of the United States, which was also given the .com, .net, .org, .edu, .gov, and .mil top-level domains. While .com is the most popular extension, every top-level domain has the ability to work in exactly the same way.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Book Reviews:
    Да, Западное Самоа. Но об этом никто не узнает, если ты удалишь этот пост! :lol:
    TaNo нравится это.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Book Reviews:
    Я уже узнал. Жди в гости.</div>
  4. Лаврентий Палыч

    Лаврентий Палыч Active Member

    - $8,58
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    как далеко...
  5. ZZheka

    ZZheka Новичок

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    lunas нравится это.

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